Dave Mooring

Dave Mooring: Illustrations for a fanzine article

I'd written an article on the crummy "data" that was being used to support anti-pornography ideology, and wanted some visuals that suited the subject. Well, truth to tell, I wanted some visuals that would knock a hole in some people's image of me, too. I figured Dave Mooring would be the guy who could do something I thought was sexy, and I was right. Mimeography on twiltone didn't wholly do Dave's artwork justice, but here they are as scanned out of a copy of PULP #19 (Summer 1991), where they appeared alongside the article.

Dave died last week at the age of 42. He was pretty and talented and a great guy, and I hate it that he's gone. He had pancreatic cancer and although I knew he wasn't well, it still comes as somewhat of a shock. I was touched to learn that on the morning of the day he died, he married his long-time partner, Sarah Dibb. Their legal union lasted exactly 13 hours.

He was fun, and lovely, and talented, and a lot of people loved him. We'll miss him. But at least we have his art.

Dave Mooring

27 May 2003